Method Espresso

Our signature espresso blend. Typically 3 bean. Always seasonal, versatile, and delicious.

This espresso blend contains:

Ethiopia Bekele Belaychow: A naturally processed coffee from a farm/collection station owned by Bekele Belaychow in the Bensa woreda of Sidamo. 74158 heirloom variety.

Guatemala Todos Santos: A washed, cooperative coffee from a group of 55 farmers around the town of Todos Santos in Huehuetenango. Primarily Bourbon and Caturra varieties.

Uganda Ezana: A washed coffee from 300 smallholders contributing to a single washing station in Kidega Village, Uganda. SL-14 and SL-28 cultivars.

Tasting notes: Orange blossom, peach, molasses, ganache

12 oz. pouch – $15.00

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