Method Espresso

Our signature espresso blend. Typically 3 bean, seasonal, and versatile. Always delicious.

This espresso blend contains:

Ecuador Nueva Esperanza: A washed, single farm coffee grown by Juan Pablo Malacatos near Palanda in Zamora-Chinchipe. 100%
Typica Mejorado variety.

Guatemala Todos Santos: A washed, cooperative coffee from a group of 55 farmers around the town of Todos Santos in Huehuetenango. Primarily Bourbon and Caturra varieties.

Papua New Guinea Roteps: A washed, smallholder coffee from a single wet mill around Kuli, near Mt. Hagen in the western highlands. Bourbon, Typica, and Arusha varieties.

Tasting notes: Tropical fruit, raspberry, molasses, ganache

12 oz. pouch – $15.00

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