Papua New Guinea Roteps

Our second time purchasing coffee from the Roteps Wet Mill near the town of Hagen in the Western Highlands. This fully washed, dark roasted coffee still presents a complex profile in the cup. Roteps collects coffee from nearby smallholders, primarily from the Baiyer region this year. Caramelized sugar, dark cherry, white chocolate, and roast. Primarily Typica and Bourbon varieties.

Country: Papua New Guinea

Region: Western Highlands

Town: Hagen

Mill: Roteps

Producers: Cherries from nearby smallholders. MIll operated by Wally Rotep.

Altitude: 1650-1900 m.

Varieties: Primarily Typica and Bourbon

Processing: Fully washed. 24 hour dry fermentation. 5-7 days of tarp drying under the sun.

Tasting Notes: Caramelized sugar, dark cherry, white chocolate, roast

Agtron Score:

Importer/Exporter: Crop to Cup/PNG Coffee Exports

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12 oz. pouch – $14.50

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