Colombia El Progreso
This is the tenth year that we have purchased coffee from Rodrigo Sanchez at El Progreso. Truly one of our most valued relationships, and a truly spectacular, every day, house coffee. A single farm, fully washed medium roast from the Huila region of Colombia. Mandarin, brown sugar, vanilla bean, fig. Caturra and Bourbon varieties.
Country: Colombia
Region: Huila
Town: Near Pitalito
Farm: El Progreso
Farmer: Rodrigo Sanchez
Altitude: 1650 – 1800 m.
Varieties: Caturra and Bourbon
Processing method: Fully washed, with 18 – 24 hour dry fermentation and 8-13 day parabolic drying on farm
Tasting notes: Mandarin, brown sugar, vanilla bean, fig
Agtron Score (Whole bean/Ground):
Importer/Exporter: List & Beisler/Clearpath
12 oz. pouch – $15.00
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