Wiggin Street Coffee (Gambier, OH)
101 east wiggin street
gambier, ohio 43022
hours of operation:
monday-thursday: 7 am – 7 pm*
friday: 7 am – 7 pm
saturday/sunday: 8am – 7 pm*
note: coffeehouse open til 10 pm sunday thru thursday when kenyon college is in session!
In the summer of 2012, mark and david forman (founders of river road coffeehouse in granville, ohio) were invited to bring their passion for coffee and community to knox county where they serve the students of kenyon college and the surrounding neighborhoods of gambier, howard and east mount vernon. wiggin street coffee occupies one of the oldest structures in gambier…a building formerly known as the “kc” constructed circa 1840 and located at the junction of wiggin street and gaskin avenue in the center of campus. The coffeehouse serves as a “true” community gathering place and serves one line coffee as well as a variety of teas and baked goods…largely sourced from local small businesses!