Colombia Asorcafe Decaf

A sweet decaf coffee with apple acidity from the ASORCAFE association in Inzá, Cauca, Colombia. Before being decaffeinated with Ethyl Acetate derived from sugarcane, the coffee is processed as fully washed. Golden delicious, caramel, brown butter, allspice. Tabi, Colombia, Caturra, Castillo, and Pink Bourbon varieties.

Country: Colombia

Region: Cauca

Municipality: Inzá

Altitude: 1800-2080m

Producers: Smallholder members of the ASORCAFE Association

Varieties: Tabi, Colombia, Caturra, Castillo, and Pink Bourbon

Processing: Fully washed. Dried on raised beds in parabolic tents. EA Sugarcane Decaf.

Tasting Notes: Golden delicious, caramel, brown butter, allspice

Agtron Reading (WB/G):

Our Purchase: 10 (69kg) bags

Importer/Exporter: Falcon

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12 oz. pouch – $16.00

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