Colombia El Nevado Decaf

Fresh crop! A really tasty, high value decaf. Easy to drink, with outstanding sweetness. A fully washed, sugar cane decaf coffee from a collection of farmers in both the north and south of Huila. Golden delicious, cane sugar, vanilla, candied tangerine. Caturra, Colombia, and Castillo varieties.

Country: Colombia

Region: Huila

Towns: Primarily from farms surrounding Santa Maria and Pitalito

Farmers: Multiple

Altitude: 1600 – 1900 meters

Varieties: Caturra, Colombia, and Castillo

Processing method: Fully washed on farm

Decaffeination method: Natural sugar cane derived ethyl acetate

Tasting notes: Golden delicious, cane sugar, vanilla, candied tangerine

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12 oz. pouch – $15.00

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